HANS TOFT-OLSEN cand. music
Educated speech therapist
Graduate trained singing teacher from the Royal Academy of Music
Author of several books Styr på stemmen (Control your voice)
Officially appointed by the Ministry of Culture as an external examiner at the Danish Music Conservatories
Speech Therapist - Logopedia
One of Europe’s most experienced voice experts
Hans Toft-Olsen is one of Europe’s most experienced voice experts and he has taught, supervised and trained more than 1000 voices. He is a graduate trained singing teacher from the Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus, and an educated speech therapist with a private practice. The danish logopeadia practice in Copenhagen and Aarhus in Denmark.
Unique knowledge and approach to voice
With this special background, Hans Toft-Olsen is used to work with voice problems, sound education, support, communication, performance, and the personal expression at the highest aesthetic level. He has in the past 20 years worked with all kinds of voices, and has, through his unique knowledge and approach to voice, treated and guided voices in business and professional singers and actors. He gives lectures / presentations, Masterclasses, workshops and personal coaching in voice usage and interaction to performers and businesses across Europe.
“So simple that anyone can understand his own voice”
Hans Toft-Olsen, a researcher in educational use of the voice and is the originator of Toft-Olsen’s Apple that has revolutionized the way we understand and use our voice. “My goal is to make teaching how to use the voice so simple that anyone can understand his own voice”, says Toft-Olsen.
STEMMEDOKTOR is a training company that offers new educational methodology in the area of teaching how to use the voice. Courses can be held worldwide acc. to agreement.
Complex structures in a very simple and logical manner
STEMMEDOKTOR has specialized in simplifying the teaching of how to use the voice in a way you can understand. That’s what’s new about it. The STEMMEDOKTOR course gives you an overview of the voice that enhances your capacity of using your voice. You get STEMMEDOKTOR’s own educational program and materials that explains the complex structures in a very simple and logical manner.
STEMMEDOKTOR offers you the educational methodology you need.
Simple and easy to understand for everyone.
Unique teaching material
At STEMMEDOKTOR, we are highly skilled and at the same time able to use our own voice at a high level, and because we have been very critical regarding the learning process, we have sorted out all irrelevant content and made the relevant and interesting content much more pedagogic. We have researched and developed a unique knowledge and a unique teaching material.
It is singing and speech therapist Hans Toft-Olsen who has developed STEMMEDOKTOR’s educational methodology. He is also the author of the book “Styr på stemmen” (Control your voice) that is based on the same philosophy.
One reviewer wrote:
“This book is a magnificent specimen of pedagogical mediation. No more, no less. If you have read many books about the voice and the vocal function and abdominal support and posture – and indeed I have – you can safely take a garbage bag and throw the whole lot out and let this little nifty case written by singing teacher and speech therapist Hans Toft-Olsen, stand back as a unique and functional evidence that it is actually possible to say much in few words and that it is not always necessary to render things more complicated than they actually are.”
Quote HTO 2006: You don’t have a voice, you are your voice!
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